May 22Liked by Cindy McDonough

I'll join you! Although, I'm at an unfair advantage because I just don't drink. Not on purpose but I honestly don't see the point anymore. It's expensive and it gives me migraines most of the time. This hasn't always been the case though. When I lived in the Caribbean it wasn't uncommon to have rum with breakfast lol...there are plenty of delicious ways to drink on the islands. I think it was the pandemic that cut me off...I live alone and there was no point in sitting here drinking alone. Then I just never started again.

I feel like you can do this with ease!

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Thanks for the inspiration Kristi! As you said, there really is no point to it! I am looking forward to this adventure and so glad that I shared my idea with others. The inspiration has been wonderful.

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Brava! I say why not try it and see what you notice? Might be a worthwhile adventure.

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Exactly! I am looking forward to seeing what I learn. Thanks for the message.

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May 22Liked by Cindy McDonough

I will be joining you in this over the summer!

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Awesome James! I had my first Heineken Zero up at CYC this weekend and was pleasantly surprised. LMK how it goes for you!

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May 22Liked by Cindy McDonough

I wonder sometimes if evening wine is more of a ritual or habit. Tea is a great substitute for me during the winter but I don’t have a go to for warmer weather. Do you have any mock tails you like for summer?

Good luck!

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That's a good question--Ritual or Habit? 🤔 I plan to experiment with some mocktails soon and plan to share them with all of you!

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May 22Liked by Cindy McDonough

Interesting I will say I have started drinking non alcoholic wine since early March. Previously I would have a glass of wine daily and maybe one beer a week. Since the change I only have maybe two beers /week and since March probably only three actual wines. Do I miss it NO and feel much better, hopefully my heart condition will improve as well.

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Congratulations Peg! That is awesome progress and I am so happy to hear that you feel much better. Keep me posted on your progress. 🍷

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