Great recommendation. I think I’ve got it as I noticed myself taking in deep breaths before I even got to your recommendation to do so at the end of your story 😁So therapeutic.

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Nice job Michelle. Keep breathing!!! 🕯️

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Jun 14Liked by Cindy McDonough

This is a fantastic post!!! So simple yet the message is so effective, evem for a 5-year-old! Your husband is a genius 👏

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I'll let him know Kristi! 🧠 Have a wonderful weekend.

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such a great idea!!

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It was a game changer!

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Jun 14Liked by Cindy McDonough

I am going to share the candle idea with my niece and her husband as they prepare for the terrible two’s.

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It was a game changer for us Colleen! Monica uses this with her pre-school students all the time!

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